Friday, March 14, 2008

Fire on the Head.....

Been out for days already, having events after events...
It has all been great and fruitful...
but just felt that not many people understands it.

Value system is such an important thing.
What you value in life will determine your life in it.

It is like if you say killing is fine, you will really kill if provoked.
If you say promiscuousness is fine, then you will live that lifestyle.
It is the same for everything.
If you value your friend, you will want to spend time with him/her.
If you value God, you will never want to miss anything of Him.

For me, my values were carved by experiences, by seeing pastors and Charleston and Roy - the way they live their lives and really made me understand what are the valuable things in life. Family, education, time, your destiny, you life, your focus, your energy.

How you spend your life will really bring your life to its fruits/end.
Well, I know what are my values in life, and I hope you do.
It is alright if you don't know it now, and don't feel that way now - but you got to learn about it and change. Don't waste your life away.

Your values make you, and your future.

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism