Friday, March 07, 2008

I am thinking again...

Just before I go exercise, I decided to upload some songs into my phone and hence, during this short period of time, I will blog!!!

Some times i also wonder that blogging can help you recall what a wonderful day you have, even if not, you still have a wonderful life... and to thank God for all.
Hence, I would always think...
Not that I don't feel, i know everyone do.
But just that, i want to keep growing towards my destiny and the only way is to grow in my thinking, my value system, the way I see things, and feelings do not contribute to the growing process.

Okay, I am writing very long already.
Well, thanks Nicholas for promoting about me in his blog!!! He is so hardworking and studying so hard... Got to really pray for him...

Well, isn't it amazing how all of us are blogging the same thing... Ha-ha. We flow...
That's why friendships are almost like 2 become 1.
The whole leadership team, the whole heart of God church essence is of friendship, is of 1 body.
Pastors and us. Charleston and the zone. Roy and myself. Me and Nic. Me and my leaders. the leaders and their people. Everyone of us are connected - by this simple 6 letter FRIEND.

I can't deny the fact that without friends, life would REALLY be boring.
Can you imagine you worked hard for 1 whole year and achieve something great, like scoring 4 A's for your A level (this is for you Nic), you screamed and cheer but realized you can only hear your own voice. Usually people will celebrate, but you are doing it all alone.
Can you imagine going steamboat... alone?
Can you imagine catching the latest movie... alone?
Can you imagine your wedding has no people witnessing, or sharing the joy? In fact, you might not even get married since you don't even have a friend.

At this point of time, you might think that friend is all that it matters... well, i felt i was wrong before (Before I knew God).
my life literary revolved around my friends, my games with friends, going out with friends.
Why? Because i wasn't really close to my family.
But yet, after i came to God, after i learn more about life, (again, it comes by reading, listening and THINKING).

The thing is that bad friends are worst off than having no friend. They can drag you down with them, push you down, or stop you from going up. And you know what I mean.

So after i experience good friendship. You might wonder what I am mean but let me tell you how i define it.

1) love. Yes, this is a big word. The things they do for you, it is not impulsive passion(they last more than 3 mins for sure) They care about how you feel, not how they feel. They think for you and teaches you to think for yourself.
The picture you can carve in your mind is that, they don't just want to feed you with a fish when you are hungry.
But they want to teach you how to fish and take care of yourself. And in fact, they also want to teach you how to grow a farm so you can even provide for other people.
They are spreading the love of Jesus. indescribable, expressionlessness... they put your heart in theirs. that's how i put it. In fact, they know what you desire and need.
What i would really say is they will help you to live your life better. From school, to home, to society, to your other friends, to church, to work, to marriage, to retirement... (woah, that's so long later...)
Everything.......................real friend...cares...

2) love. Again, it is so important. Because out of love, they look out for your souls, like shepherds looking after their sheep. They want to prevent things happening to your life. They sense a coming danger and bring you away. They don't run, definitely no. But they will fight (sometimes better than you do, fiercer than you do - just because they love)

3) love. What else can I say? A friend knows what is good for you, and wants the best for you. Knowing God is the biggest thing in the entire world. If you really love your friend, you would want them to experience it as well. Well, I do... I know you do... too.

And my Pastors and my leaders do all these... Sometimes with no reward... or rather, not expecting any. That is why it is call love.

love with reward isn't love at all.
If one day, you work without taking salary, would you still work?
Well, pastors did that for 2 years! Sacrificial love... Pastor just preached a whole series on love for the past 2 months! Go listen to the sermons - it will change your life, definitely.

Anyway... do you have a real friend? I am proud to say that I have, and I want to be.
Do find who are your real friends... and cherish them!

Tata, going to exercise...
great time to think again.
Wei Jie

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism