Saturday, March 08, 2008

Time ends

It is really scary to think about this - the time is ending... END TIMES.

Today's bible study was overwhelming!
I can't simply explain how much information and awe penetrated my thick logical brain...
I really "hands up" when i read the bible.
The Word of God is just so convicting and real. Wow!

Pastor talked more about the Great Tribulation today...Nic and I were REALLY talking and the thought of it just sends chill up our spine.

It is really scary, but on the other hand, it really shows how much we got to prepare ourselves before that day comes.
1 part of me is excited. But the other part is so scared and hoped that I do not have to go through this GT.
Now i can understand how Jesus felt when He prayed at the garden of Gethsemane.
"If possible, let this cup pass from me.......................nevertheless, not My will, but let Your will be done".

"Oh God, I also pray this prayer sincerely from my heart - If possible, let this cup pass from me, but if it is Your Will, please give me the strength to endure it!"

Hmmm, what could be worst than the Great Tribulation:
it made me feel that my PO is nothing
What are exams?
What is tiredness, and want to sleep?
What is temptation?
What is friend's influence?

All these are still in your control! Wait till the GT comes - when things are NOT in your control anymore...
That is when you start crying... I will... I bet you sure will... unless you decide to give up on your eternal life.
Do not regret this step in life. Regret is the worst feeling anyone can feel!
What is regret?
It is the feeling you get when something sad happens to you and you realized that you could ACTUALLY DONE something but you did not...

For people who feel sad because they can't help when something happen, it is okay, at least you tried your best! There are quite a few many times when I felt regrettable. That's why I know the feeling of it... I believe all of you know what i mean!

Was just reading the LD, about living our lives according to priorities and discipline.
Pst Lia said this "be character driven, not emotional driven".
So true!

Well, enough for the day, my emotion wants to rattle on and on... but I got to sleep!!! Got to prepare for the next day.

Good night world! My prayer again is that all shall KNOW GOD and GROW STRONG so as to endure...
for your eternity...
for your loved ones...
for yourself...
for the truth...
for Jesus...

Going to lala land...,
Wei Jie

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism