Thursday, January 08, 2009

surge of feelings - influx of emotions

My lecturer did not turn up for lecture and here we have another hour of break.
It has almost become a norm not to see him around or to even see him early...

But nonetheless, it gives me a good opportunity to blog. =) wahaha.

The first service of the year was eminently glorious, enlivening and exhilarating, all in one. Pastor Lia is one dynamic, revelation-al, spiritual leader. She carries the aura of God in all her ways and works, that anyone who were to come in contact will by no means feel the love of Christ and the power of His ways.

I am so proud that she is my pastor!

Our vision for 2009 is to......
keep striking 2008.
keep guarding the ethos of our church.
the spirit, the heart, the culture, the union, the intangibles...
keep 4D-ing, and having faith.
keep growing.

KEEP being hungry for more and not satisfied with just enough.

2009 - Here we go...

Just when all were set, and ready to go, the brakes of life still comes to stall.
stall us of our progress.
break us of our momentum.

Things happen, and hearts are stirred.
I just feel so much for my family's salvation... No one has the ability to predict the exact time of things that are to happen. You never know when they come and when who may go.

What you can do is to cherish and be safe than be sorry. And that is what I am going to do. I am just afraid that my parents may go anytime. The motivation I have now is that of 1 incident might create the possibility of many other similar incidents. In fear of the regrets, I will do something. I want to see them in Heaven, and I want them happy...


Surge of feelings, influx of emotions...
Psalm 100. Cover it all.

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism