Monday, May 12, 2008

many things revealed!

There are many things revealed recently...
Like seeing the stress in school piling up, seeing our church really going to the next level, seeing people as who they are, and who they can become.

It is just so amazing.
Zone F is having their own service this weekend! This is like a mileage!
This is the very first time to see this phenomenon happening, in the world - i believe.
The whole service will be run by secondary school people, some even as young as secondary 1. And it is not just a normal 50-people group meeting. This is a 200-people massive service.

They really change history. The next generation will be better.
Pastor Lia has done it in the past, now the leaders will take on the baton.
I can't wait to attend the service to help out, to see the amazing people, and just soak in the anointing of God on these people. You don't want to miss this out man!
I guarantee the Zone F people wouldn't be able to sleep the night before. Ha-ha...

The power of Dr Cho's prayer.
Tabernacle prayer is really so awesome. I have never seen or heard it before, but yesterday I lived through it.
You never want to leave when you have reached the holy of holies. Trust me, I almost stayed overnight in church, but I have to obey God's 5th commandment so I went home.

My prayer
This is super awesome... I just got this revelation this morning 6.30am....
I can't stop praising God...
Let me give you the factual recount of what happened first.

1st part: For the past 3 days I have been dreaming about somebody (Let's call him Person A)... They are all different dreams, but the person will be inside the dream. So you can imagine, everyday at 5am, 9am, 6.30am... I woke up, puzzled, wondering what the dream was about.
2nd part: At 1am, I received an email from Person B. It was nothing particular.

But now, let me tell you the full story - THIS IS REVELATION.
Earlier last week on Friday, I was praying for the CG, for things, people, myself, Pastors, etc...
Then there was this prayer that I was a bit stuck and confused so I asked God for guidance. So I asked God to show me a sign that I may know this is the answer God wants for me.
And being full of faith, and trusting God for the impossible, I ask God for 2 proofs.
The 1st being that Person A will email me despite the ultra busy schedule. (this is to prove that the answer is from God)
The 2nd being Person B will email me - not this week, but next week. (this is to prove that the current situation is the wrong answer and I have to change to the newly found answer from God)
I know it sounds a bit ridiculous to have 2 proofs but there are actually the same answer.
This is ultra faith! That's why I say, it is impossible..... but God moves!

And you should know by now, both phenomenon came true.
So I woke up this morning and wonder why I dreamt about Person A again, then as I was walking to the toilet, God just revealed to me this sentence: "You want email ma? I "sent" you the first one immediately on saturday morning, but you didn't realise it, so i send it again on sunday, you still didn't realise it so I send it again on Monday morning, though it broke the rule already!!! Oh my... Oh my... This is my God!!!

Now, I am trully convinced that the answer is from God...
And I will continue to walk in His ways,
as a man who fears Him,
who lives to please Him,
and to glorify Him.

This has brought a whole new perspective of REVELATION to me...
Cool God.

Going to lunch now... ha-ha...
*just for laugh gags*
TP - Temasek Poly, TP - Tabernacle Prayer.
No wonder I am in TP, and am so strong. I have been "in the prayer" for 7months already. Ha-ha.

Red Rain is coming in 12 days!!!

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism