Friday, June 06, 2008

Free to fly

My exam just finished.

The burden is lifted, but something more burdened and exciting is coming.


I just want to talk about privilege first.

This word means so much to me.

Recently I get very fascinated by simple words.

Like privileged, all things are impossible, whatever a man thinks in his heart so is he, excellence, gratitude, stretch, FAITH, SUCCESS.


Many times, we just get over and done with everything that comes our way.

If someone just passed you a gift, people received, thank them, and move on...

If Pastors teaches you something, people just write it down, try to remember and move on...

If your leader gives you something to do, you might just write it down, and makes sure you do it, and move on...

Well, as for me, I really spend time to think about it. I do not get emotional about it and cry about it or whatever.


But I just think of how it would be if that didn't happen.

And I just felt so privileged that I am given a chance to serve God in church, to help my pastors, to carry my leaders' burden.


Without all, I am nothing. I would be the same Wei Jie before March 18th 2005.

I would not have changed in my entire being.

Without all the love, I would not be growing.

Without all the discipleship, I would have got into trouble, I would not have a purpose.


Privilege meant a whole new world to me when I start looking back at my life.

With all the glory that ever comes to you, remember that you were privileged to be brought there by someone.

And, gratitude comes into place just nice.


BMT has been so awesome! How i hope everyone can just come and listen to everything that comes out of our pulpit.

If it doesn't change your mind, I don't know what does.

It is mind-blowing and totally essential for moving on in life.

I am so amazed at our pastors!


And I am so amazed at Benny and Chong Khim also!!!

They are 2 awesome guys...

It brings such a joy to see a friend becoming happier each day.

They brighten my day!

Benny and Khim, you guys rock la!

You have come a way from nothingness (just like me, in the past), to greatness!!!

You come for 2 services per week, come for follow ups, on time, go out with new people in our church to just love them, love pastors, hungry for God. Awesome la!


I can't wait to see how amazing your future in God will be...

I really want to see the future, soon. It is so near... it is so enticing...

In my dreams, I can see it - and I can touch it.


Can you?

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism