Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Genesis of a Genius

Genesis of a Genius

Genesis – beginning.
Genesis of a Genius – Beginning of a genius in forming…

Yes, every one of you.

In Genesis, the commandment for every human was to fill the earth, subdue it and dominate every living creatures and the whole earth.

Yes, those creatures flying on the sky, diving in the sea, and roaming the lands – fangs, wings, poison, claws, etc…

If that was God’s commandment for human, what do you think about it? God is ridiculous, unreasonable?

Well, NO!

He has also given us a tool to carry out this commandment – our brain!

The human brain is so amazing – if you do a research, it can actually store up to 125 trillion 500 billion characters… YES!! For your information – 125, 500, 000, 000, 000 characters

But so sadly, average human uses less than 10% of our brain. Just to encourage you, the smartest person on earth – Albert Einstein’s brain is slightly smaller than average human brain. =)

So what is this all about…? Let me describe more: our brainwaves move at a super duper remarkable speed “120m/s”. Our brain is super amazing, yeah? – Now you see God is reasonable…

This brain is the one that carried man to the sky (beat the birds) and even to the moon.
This brain is the one that went into the sea (beat the fishes).
This brain is the one that roams the earth (beat the animals) and control them.

How our brain gets develop
Our brain develops as people use it – the more you use it, the more it gets intelligent.

Thinking makes you intelligent. Intelligent DOES NOT make you think.
So that’s why, no one is born stupid or smart – it is the one you train your brain, since young, or any age at all!

Let’s have a short test and think about it:

What is 2 x 2? Answer is 4?
Can you imagine how hard you have to understand that when you were primary 1?
Well, what’s the difference? You are still you, your brain is still intact – you didn’t insert any micro-chip inside, did you?
Let me tell you, the difference is because you read it many times, done the question many times, so you get used to it and your brain stores that information so you can remember it easier.

THEREFORE – the more you use it, the more intelligent your brain gets!

That’s why, every one of us gets an opportunity to be smarter…NO…no… the correct way is to get more intelligent. No matter how much we study, we are still humans; we don’t evolve to be aliens. (There is no such thing as evolution rule also) Hence, we just get more intelligent – knowing more information than other people.

That’s why, GENESIS OF A GENIUS!!! Everyone has a chance to develop their mind.

And our first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your MIND, and your strength!

Christians shouldn’t be stupid…but because of the marvelous work that we are doing, the more Christians should be intelligent and use their mind to do a better work with a better quality to glorify GOD! AMEN!!

Pastors are so amazing!!!

Wei Jie

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism