Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Leadership II

Take leadership over your will.
God just gave me revelation about this.

The thing is that, if you know if something is good, you will want to do it.
But sometimes circumstances do not support it, and in fact prevents it.

So in such situations, what do you do?

You got to have a strong will power to stand firm in what you believe.
Good things do not come free, you got to achieve it.
It is a lot of commitment and adrenaline pump.

A leader is someone who is strong-willed but yet submissive under God's rule - obedient.


To God, a heart of flame.
To people, a heart of love.
To myself, a heart of steel.
- St. Augustine

Creativity and problem solving skills only begin when you refuse to accept 'no' as an answer.
- extracted from Pastor How

To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than be alive and not breathing.
- extracted from Pastor Lia

Being weak-willed is like being handicap mentally. You can't control it.
- Wei Jie

Bad news are like smelly tofu (Chou Dou Fu). It smells bad on the outside, but taste great inside the mouth.
Bad news look bad definitely, but if you open your heart and let it come in in revelation and learning, it turns good.
- Wei Jie

Just a little bit more, little bit longer, little bit farther.
- extracted from Pastor How (Going the extra mile)
the key to winning.

Why not?
- Pastor How

What if?
- Pastor How

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism