Thursday, November 15, 2007


Sometimes I feel that the most interesting thing in this world, is really the human beings.

Whenever I am around people, in the world outside, in school, at home, anywhere, I always pondered on how and why people will react the way they did.

It can be exciting, interesting, but yet at the same time sad to imagine the childhood experience these people might have gone through which resulted in their character and behaviour in the later years.

And even reaction is a very intriguing process.

When provoked, what would you do?
When someone fall down, what would you do?
When friends get sad, what would you do?
When people score well for exams, what would you do?

The phrase that sank into my heart this week is "What wrecks your heart"?
The easiest mood in life is happy, no one wants to be sad.
But the question is really what makes someone sad?
Lose money? Never do well for school? Fell down? Friends laugh at you?

It really shows something about the person by looking at the things that wrecks their heart.
If you are someone who gets sad because you see people starving everyday, having family problems, depressions, people's lives not in order, and they lack eternal life, it shows something about your value system and heart.

My pastors and leaders are like that.

Thank God.

Don't you find it hard to live around people who laugh at the wrong things?
Who snears at the joyful things?
Who gets depress over the slightest things?
Who has no emotion over the most fantastic things?

What wrecks your heart?

Well, we want to fight for the burden in our hearts.
I have many thoughts, many dreams, complains, grumbles...
But don't stop at that. Don't be a whiner.

Be a history maker, do something, fight for it!
Are you willing to do anything to achieve something good?
Are you willing to do anything to stay on the course?
Are you willing to do anything to breakthrough?
Are you willing to do anything to see your friends' lives being revived by eternal life?

Well, these are my thoughts today...
Don't be dead on your brain. Think!

God gives us a brain to think!
But at least think according to God's truths and ways. He don't create you for nuts!

Rock on,
going to teach math...

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism