Friday, September 25, 2009

Playing in the Big Game

Take 5 minutes to blog... I told myself. I want to blog out my thoughts. here it is...

Last few weeks have been really nice, thinking, expanding, finding ways to know myself and settle down. We always are.

1 thing for sure is I am loving to LIST things. I always have this piece of paper and pen with me, that whatever I need to do, I will write them down... It helps me to remember things. (Not to forget about it after writing down) So every week, I will be doing it, maybe twice a week... 2 different sheets of papers, 1 after another. To-do list never FINISHES! lest you are finished....

We must grow! We will grow! We want to grow!
Judges 5:2
1)When leaders lead in Israel,
2)and the people willingly offer themselves,
4)bless the Lord.

There are 4 statements here. Statement 3 is for you to fill in. Although in the bible, there are 3 statements, but I believe God is trying to tell us that we fill in that blank. That blank will signify WHY we bless the Lord... because of breakthrough, miracles, successes, achievements, prayers answered, etc...BLESS the LORD!

So leaders, please lead! Make things happen..
Members, lets follow the vision.. we are together in this..
This is our primary mission on Earth.

A few more thoughts:
ABC for good CG:
Atmosphere : atmosphere, hype, fun, excitement. (Does people enjoy themselves, love the CG)
Bonding: Closeness, relationship, share good news, and bad, share secrets. (Is there real relationship in the CG)
Connection: Physically and spiritually. (Does the CG literally meet up, and are together. When together, do they do spiritual things and connect to God, to church?)

Another "D" for leaders to note:
4D: Desire for growth, Desperate for breakthrough, Determination to hang on, then you will Discover talents!

Got to go out!

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism