Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Please do not miss this.

10 reasons why you must come for Red Rain Concert.

1. See a Rock Concert in a church (I bet you seldom or never seen this around)

2. If you think you are young, and you want to have some hype in your life

3. If you think you are old, and you want to have some life and feel young

4. If you are not (2) or (3), you can just join in the mass

5. If you are not (4), you probably do not know what you really want. So I am telling you now - JOIN US!

6. If you have something on, but you don't feel like doing that and you have run out of excuses to reject it, Red Rain will be a good reason

7. If you think (6) is really so bad, you don't like to reject people, then I got a message for you. If any of your friends invite you for Red Rain, you should not reject them. =P

8. If you look at facebook / friendster (though people hardly uses friendster now), and you can find at least 5 friends who are somehow linked to Heart of God Church or Red Rain, you should come. There must be some reason why your friends are here!

9. If you read (9), tried to find 5 friends but couldn't, you should come too. Because it shows that you are INTERESTED at least. It is enough for you to come.... =)

10. I guarantee you, you will get something more than just a concert, more than lights, more than hype, more than the music... It is beyond words description, you got to come and FEEL it yourself.

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism