Thursday, October 11, 2007

The future is amazing and exciting

Today, preparing for a power-packed CG.

Listening to pastor's sermon on Effective Evangelism and getting real geared up to evangelize again.

During CIC, pastor was explaining about evangelizing.
Many people think evangelizing is bringing people to church, but well, it's actually bringing church to the people.
It's serving them,
it's loving them,
it's caring for them,
it's what Jesus did when He came to Earth.

Then the people will want to come church themselves! Woohoo... That's amazing revelation, isn't it?

Let's EV and changed the world, 1 at a time.


So during prayer meeting, we all sat in front and listen to the speakers.
At the ending, I rounded up the sermon and share a few more points.

DREAMING - Standing behind the pulpit (music stand) and preaching the gospel, teaching people.
I was really dreaming the future to happen now.
It feels super good man!
I believe one day I will do it.
But to think deeper, I wouldn't be anywhere near this if not for Pastors, my leaders and the church.

Environment for growth is so important!
Preserve the environment for the river!
protect the environment.
Provide for the environment!

The future is indeed amazing.
Wait till you see it with your own eyes!
Get excited

Wei Jie

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God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism