Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Drawing Near [Part 1]

God desires to draw near to us... Through out Genesis to Revelations, the whole life time...

Little did we notice these things:

Exo 20:18
God saved Israel out of Egypt (Mark this), NOT to bring them to the promised Land... but God wanted Moses to bring them to the Promiser, in the wilderness.
That is why as you read their 40 years adventure, you will notice they encounter many miracles, and the most important one being at Mount Sinai where God CAME DOWN literally to find the Nation. Sadly, only Moses went up... but the Israelite were reluctant.

Another one...

1 Cor 12:2
Jesus speaks... you can find yourself idols and gods, but... only Jesus speaks to us... there is no other that speaks.


Exo 34:14
God is passionate about having a relationship with us!
That is why He sent Jesus down to SEEK us and to SAVE us...
Salvation is required!
But SEEKING comes first...! Even though we were still sinners...

God... I am loving You more than before!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Please do not miss this.

10 reasons why you must come for Red Rain Concert.

1. See a Rock Concert in a church (I bet you seldom or never seen this around)

2. If you think you are young, and you want to have some hype in your life

3. If you think you are old, and you want to have some life and feel young

4. If you are not (2) or (3), you can just join in the mass

5. If you are not (4), you probably do not know what you really want. So I am telling you now - JOIN US!

6. If you have something on, but you don't feel like doing that and you have run out of excuses to reject it, Red Rain will be a good reason

7. If you think (6) is really so bad, you don't like to reject people, then I got a message for you. If any of your friends invite you for Red Rain, you should not reject them. =P

8. If you look at facebook / friendster (though people hardly uses friendster now), and you can find at least 5 friends who are somehow linked to Heart of God Church or Red Rain, you should come. There must be some reason why your friends are here!

9. If you read (9), tried to find 5 friends but couldn't, you should come too. Because it shows that you are INTERESTED at least. It is enough for you to come.... =)

10. I guarantee you, you will get something more than just a concert, more than lights, more than hype, more than the music... It is beyond words description, you got to come and FEEL it yourself.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Just decided to blog about this for my dear friends and anybody to read...

Question: What happens when you fall? When you face a problem? When you encounter a difficulty?

I believe this is very realistic in life. Everyone of us will definitely get into this situation.

I am a faith-filled personnel.
I talk about solutions.
I care about recovery.
I desire breakthroughs.

I don't much bother about the problem itself, except the person that is victimized.. I would definitely care and concern if there is one... Other than that, I move on in life...

Tomorrow is a better day.
The future is amazing.
I want to change the world.

So what do i do when obstacles arise. What crosses my mind:

Problem can be seen as a stone. If you think the stone is bigger than you, than the problem will probably crush you.
But if you think the stone is about small enough for you to step over, then chances are you will overcome it.
Guess how I see it... I don't care how big or small the stone is... I will climb on top of it... Logic is simply because - if the stone is bigger, that makes me stand higher from the ground. I like to stand nearer to God! =)

Many times, the problem lies in the faith of the beholder. The problem is not with the problem itself, but it is in the person that sees the problem.
I am not sure if you understand what I am saying... But let me put it into an illustration.

Imagine with me a game creator and a simple game.
Most games created has a GOOD side and a EVIL side. Lets call humans against demons.
Usually the demons will seem to be winning so the humans will have to train themselves and fight again. They can go through round 1,2, then 3 and a fiercer-enough demons appear so the humans lose again... if the humans do not give up, they train harder, they will be able to win back and proceed to the next stage...
This goes on ALL THE WAY till the final stage where they fight the big boss! Even if they lose, they can train harder and come back to win...
MOST SENSIBLE game-creators will create the humans to win the demons (Good wins over Evil). Hence, no matter what happens, or how strong the evil forces are, the humans will sure have a way to win!

Lets come down to real life...
God is like the game-creator. He has created everything, terrain, creeps and all (i see a revival in DOTA gamers). Including humans and devil (and problems).
In the beginning, it may seem that humans are always having problems in life (all of you agree with me). But if you grow yourselves (level up) - grow in faith, in strength from God, you will be able to overcome the problems.
EVEN IF BIGGER PROBLEMS surfaces, you will also be able to WIN! The problem lies in yourselves - are you willing to grow yourself stronger than the problems!

God is sensible! He makes humans in His own image. We are over comers like God! We are born to be winners! You just got to grow into it, people!

So... the problem is you, and me and us! Do we have the faith-filled attitude and perspective (mark my words) to overcome in life... It is so important...

There are so many bible verses to support this.
But I just want to say this... Christianity is a relationship with God. Even if you fail, God will pull you back on track - so do not give up...

Hosea 6:1-3...
torn - God will heal
broken - God will bind
depress - God will brighten

In 2 days, God will revive you!
In 3 days, God will raise you up!

God has raised you up in a time like this to use you to change the world around you!

Mark my words... How does God raise you up higher? What can possible make you stand higher from the surface of the ground? What is between your feet and the ground?

It is the stone (problems).
So recover, my friends... no matter what you face in life...

John 15:16 (Jesus says) "you did not choose Me, but I have chosen you that you may go out there to bear much fruits, and that your fruits should remain. And whatever you ask the Father in My Name, He shall give it to you".

We all have a destiny, we can change the world around us... Only WE can change the WORLD around US.

In the letter "P" the "stone (o) is at the top which shows that the problem is overcoming you as in the meaning of "Problem". Whereas in the letter "d" the stone (o) is at the bottom which shows that the problem is below you, making you higher as in the meaning of "destiny".

When you have a destiny in God, your stones will not hinder you anymore. They lift you up many times... You are not disturbed by them simply because you have more important things to do in life!

Let's make history together Heart of God...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

love on the rebound?

on the rebound,
a. after bouncing off the ground, a wall, etc.: He hit the ball on the rebound.
b. after being rejected by another: She didn't really love him; she married him on the rebound.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Work hard

Just finished school and am at the library checking my timetable.
Decided to post 1 determined statement before I start my work!

Constraint love - Constraint work - Constraint destiny

I want a drive.

I want a breakthrough.

I want my destiny.

I want to change.

I don't want to regret.

I don't want to give up.

I don't want to give in.

I don't want to be stuck.

It is all because God made me...
Let Your will be done... i pray... ...

God has blessed us with this already!!

1) Growth - Mindset
2) Pastors
3) Conviction of the people - Idealism